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Ethereum Implementation Specification

The solidity implementation of ChainBridge should consist of a central Bridge contract, and will delegate specific functionality to handlers. Fungible and non-fungible compatibility should be focused on ERC20 and ERC721 tokens.

Transfer Flow

As Source Chain

  1. Some user calls the deposit function on the bridge contract. A depositRecord is created on the bridge and a call is delgated to a handler contract specified by the provided resourceID.

  2. The specified handler's deposit function validates the parameters provided by the user. If successful, a depositRecord is created on the handler.

  3. If the call delegated to the handler is succesful, the bridge emits a Deposit event.

  4. Relayers parse the Deposit event and retrieve the associated DepositRecord from the handler to construct a message.

As Destination Chain

  1. A Relayer calls voteProposal on the bridge contract. If a proposal corresponding with the parameters passed in does not exist, it is created and the Relayer's vote is recorded. If the proposal already exists, the Relayer's vote is simply recorded.

  2. Once we have met some vote threshold for a proposal, the bridge emits a ProposalFinalized event.

  3. Upon seeing a ProposalFinalized event, Relayers call theexecuteDepositfunction on the bridge. executeDeposit delegates a call to a handler contract specified by the associated resourceID.

  4. The specified handler's executeDeposit function validates the parameters provided and makes a call to some contract to complete the transfer.