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Running Locally


  • Docker, docker-compose
  • chainbridge v1.1.1 binary (see README)
  • cb-sol-cli (see README)

Steps To Get Started

  1. Start Local Chains
  2. Connect to PolkadotJS Portal
  3. Deploy Contracts
  4. Register Resources Ethereum
  5. Specify Token Semantics
  6. Register Relayers
  7. Register Resources Substrate
  8. Whitelist Chains
  9. Run Relayer
  10. Fungible Transfers
  11. Non-Fungible Transfers

Start Local Chains

The easiest way to get started is to use the below docker-compose snippet.

This will start one geth instance and an instance of chainbridge-substrate-chain:

# Copyright 2020 ChainSafe Systems
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only

version: '3'
    image: "chainsafe/chainbridge-geth:20200505131100-5586a65"
    container_name: geth1
    - "8545:8545"

    image: "chainsafe/chainbridge-substrate-chain:v1.3.0"
    container_name: sub-chain
    command: chainbridge-substrate-chain --dev --alice --ws-external --rpc-external
    - "9944:9944"

Start Chains:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-snippet.yml up -V

(Use -V to always start with new chains. These instructions depend on deterministic Ethereum addresses, which are used as defaults implicitly by some of these commands. Avoid re-deploying the contracts without restarting both chains, or ensure to specify all the required parameters.)

Connect to PolkadotJS Portal

  1. Access the PolkadotJS Portal for Centrifuge, as an example Substrate chain, here
  2. Connect to your local Substrate chain:
    • Click the network in the top-left corner
    • Select the Development dropdown
    • Set ws://localhost:9944 as the custom endpoint
    • Click Switch to connect
  3. Set up type definitions for the chain:
    • Navigate to Settings
    • Select the Developer tab
    • Paste in the below Type Defintions
    • Save

Type Defintions:

  "chainbridge::ChainId": "u8",
  "ChainId": "u8",
  "ResourceId": "[u8; 32]",
  "DepositNonce": "u64",
  "ProposalVotes": {
    "votes_for": "Vec<AccountId>",
    "votes_against": "Vec<AccountId>",
    "status": "enum"
  "Erc721Token": {
    "id": "TokenId",
    "metadata": "Vec<u8>"
  "TokenId": "U256",
  "Address": "AccountId",
  "LookupSource": "AccountId"
  • These can be found found here

On-Chain Setup (Ethereum)

Deploy Contracts

To deploy the contracts on to the Ethereum chain, run the following:

Deploy Contracts:

cb-sol-cli deploy --all --relayerThreshold 1

After running, the expected output looks like this:

Url:        http://localhost:8545
Deployer:   0xff93B45308FD417dF303D6515aB04D9e89a750Ca
Gas Limit:   8000000
Gas Price:   20000000
Deploy Cost: 0.0

Chain Id:    0
Threshold:   1
Relayers:    0xff93B45308FD417dF303D6515aB04D9e89a750Ca,0x8e0a907331554AF72563Bd8D43051C2E64Be5d35,0x24962717f8fA5BA3b931bACaF9ac03924EB475a0,0x148FfB2074A9e59eD58142822b3eB3fcBffb0cd7,0x4CEEf6139f00F9F4535Ad19640Ff7A0137708485
Bridge Fee:  0
Expiry:      100

Contract Addresses
Bridge:             0x62877dDCd49aD22f5eDfc6ac108e9a4b5D2bD88B
Erc20 Handler:      0x3167776db165D8eA0f51790CA2bbf44Db5105ADF
Erc721 Handler:     0x3f709398808af36ADBA86ACC617FeB7F5B7B193E
Generic Handler:    0x2B6Ab4b880A45a07d83Cf4d664Df4Ab85705Bc07
Erc20:              0x21605f71845f372A9ed84253d2D024B7B10999f4
Erc721:             0xd7E33e1bbf65dC001A0Eb1552613106CD7e40C31
Centrifuge Asset:   Not Deployed
WETC:               Not Deployed

Register Resources Ethereum

  • NOTE: The below registrations will not notify you upon successful completion.

Register fungile resource ID with erc20 contract:

cb-sol-cli bridge register-resource --resourceId "0x000000000000000000000000000000c76ebe4a02bbc34786d860b355f5a5ce00" --targetContract "0x21605f71845f372A9ed84253d2D024B7B10999f4"

Register non-fungible resource ID with erc721 contract:

cb-sol-cli bridge register-resource --resourceId "0x000000000000000000000000000000e389d61c11e5fe32ec1735b3cd38c69501" --targetContract "0xd7E33e1bbf65dC001A0Eb1552613106CD7e40C31" --handler "0x3f709398808af36ADBA86ACC617FeB7F5B7B193E"

Register generic resource ID:

cb-sol-cli bridge register-generic-resource --resourceId "0x000000000000000000000000000000f44be64d2de895454c3467021928e55e01" --targetContract "0xc279648CE5cAa25B9bA753dAb0Dfef44A069BaF4" --handler "0x2B6Ab4b880A45a07d83Cf4d664Df4Ab85705Bc07" --hash --deposit "" --execute "store(bytes32)"

Specify Token Semantics

To allow for a variety of use cases, the Ethereum contracts support both the transfer and the mint/burn ERC methods.

For simplicity's sake the following examples only make use of the mint/burn method:

Register the erc20 contract as mintable/burnable:

cb-sol-cli bridge set-burn --tokenContract "0x21605f71845f372A9ed84253d2D024B7B10999f4"

Register the associated handler as a minter:

cb-sol-cli erc20 add-minter --minter "0x3167776db165D8eA0f51790CA2bbf44Db5105ADF"

Register the erc721 contract as mintable/burnable:

cb-sol-cli bridge set-burn --tokenContract "0xd7E33e1bbf65dC001A0Eb1552613106CD7e40C31" --handler "0x3f709398808af36ADBA86ACC617FeB7F5B7B193E"

Add the handler as a minter:

cb-sol-cli erc721 add-minter --minter "0x3f709398808af36ADBA86ACC617FeB7F5B7B193E"

On-Chain Setup (Substrate)

Register Relayers

First, we need to register the account of the relayer on Substrate (cb-sol-cli deploys contracts with the 5 test keys preloaded).

Steps to register the relayers:

  1. Select the Sudo tab in the PolkadotJS Portal
  2. Choose the addRelayer method of chainBridge
  3. Select Alice as the relayer AccountId

Register Resources Substrate

Steps to register resources:

  1. Select the Sudo tab in the PolkadotJS Portal
  2. Call chainBridge.setResource, passing both the Id and Method listed below for each of the transfer types you wish to use

Fungible (Native asset):

Id: 0x000000000000000000000000000000c76ebe4a02bbc34786d860b355f5a5ce00

Method: 0x4578616d706c652e7472616e73666572 (utf-8 encoding of "Example.transfer")


Id: 0x000000000000000000000000000000e389d61c11e5fe32ec1735b3cd38c69501

Method: 0x4578616d706c652e6d696e745f657263373231 (utf-8 encoding of "Example.mint_erc721")

Generic (Hash Transfer):

Id: 0x000000000000000000000000000000f44be64d2de895454c3467021928e55e01

Method: 0x4578616d706c652e72656d61726b (utf-8 encoding of "Example.remark")

Whitelist Chains

Steps to whitelist chains:

  1. Select the Sudo tab in the PolkadotJS Portal
  2. Call chainBridge.whitelistChain, specifying 0 for the Ethereum chain ID

Run Relayer

Steps to run a relayer:

  1. Clone the ChainBridge repository
  2. Install the ChainBridge binary
  3. Create config.json using the sample provided below as a starting point
  4. Start relayer as a binary using the default "Alice" key

Clone repo:

git clone

Build ChainBridge and move it to your GOBIN path:

cd ChainBridge && make install

Run relayer:

chainbridge --config config.json --testkey alice --latest

Or, if you prefer Docker, steps 2 and 4 can be done as follows:

Build the ChainBridge docker image:

docker build -t chainsafe/chainbridge .

Start the relayer as a docker container:

docker run -v (pwd)/config.json:/config.json --network host chainsafe/chainbridge --testkey alice --latest 

Sample config.json:

  "chains": [
      "name": "eth",
      "type": "ethereum",
      "id": "0",
      "endpoint": "ws://localhost:8545",
      "from": "0xff93B45308FD417dF303D6515aB04D9e89a750Ca",
      "opts": {
        "bridge": "0x62877dDCd49aD22f5eDfc6ac108e9a4b5D2bD88B",
        "erc20Handler": "0x3167776db165D8eA0f51790CA2bbf44Db5105ADF",
        "erc721Handler": "0x3f709398808af36ADBA86ACC617FeB7F5B7B193E",
        "genericHandler": "0x2B6Ab4b880A45a07d83Cf4d664Df4Ab85705Bc07",
        "gasLimit": "1000000",
        "maxGasPrice": "20000000"
      "name": "sub",
      "type": "substrate",
      "id": "1",
      "endpoint": "ws://localhost:9944",
      "from": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY",
      "opts": {
  • This is an example config file for a single relayer ("Alice") using the contracts we've deployed.

Fungible Transfers

Substrate Native Token ⇒ ERC 20

Steps to transfer an ERC-20 token:

  1. Select the Extrinsics tab in the PolkadotJS Portal
  2. Call example.transferNative with parameters such as these:
    • Amount: 1000 (select Pico for units)
    • Recipient: 0xff93B45308FD417dF303D6515aB04D9e89a750Ca
    • Dest Id: 0

You can query the recipients balance on Ethereum with this:

Query token balance of account: Oxff..750Ca:

cb-sol-cli erc20 balance --address "0xff93B45308FD417dF303D6515aB04D9e89a750Ca"

ERC20 ⇒ Substrate Native Token

If necessary, you can mint some tokens:

Mint 1000 ERC20 tokens:

cb-sol-cli erc20 mint --amount 1000

Before initiating the transfer we have to approve the bridge to take ownership of the tokens:

Approve bridge to assume custody of tokens:

cb-sol-cli erc20 approve --amount 1000 --recipient "0x3167776db165D8eA0f51790CA2bbf44Db5105ADF"

To initiate a transfer on the Ethereum chain use this command (Note: there will be a 10 block delay before the relayer will process the transfer):

Transfer 1 token to account: 0xd4..da27d:

cb-sol-cli erc20 deposit --amount 1 --dest 1 --recipient "0xd43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d" --resourceId "0x000000000000000000000000000000c76ebe4a02bbc34786d860b355f5a5ce00"

Non-Fungible Transfers

Substrate NFT ⇒ ERC721

First, you'll need to mint a token.

Steps to mint an ERC-721 token:

  1. Select the Sudo tab in the PolkadotJS Portal
  2. Call with parameters such as these:
    • Owner: Alice
    • TokenId: 1
    • Metadata: ""

Now the owner of the token can initiate a transfer.

Steps to transfer an ERC-721 token:

  1. Select the Sudo tab in the PolkadotJS Portal
  2. Call example.transferErc721 with parameters such as these:
    • Recipient: 0xff93B45308FD417dF303D6515aB04D9e89a750Ca
    • TokenId: 1
    • DestId: 0

You can query ownership of tokens on Ethereum with this:

Query ownership of ERC721 with token ID: 1:

cb-sol-cli erc721 owner --id 0x1

ERC721 ⇒ Substrate NFT

If necessary, you can mint an ERC-721 token like this:

Mint ERC721 with token ID: 99:

cb-sol-cli erc721 mint --id 0x99

Before initiating the transfer, we must approve the bridge to take ownership of the tokens:

Approve bridge to assume custody of ERC721 with token ID: 99:

cb-sol-cli erc721 approve --id 0x99 --recipient "0x3f709398808af36ADBA86ACC617FeB7F5B7B193E"

Now we can initiate the transfer:

Transfer ERC721 with token ID: 99 to account: 0xd4..da27d:

cb-sol-cli erc721 deposit --id 0x99 --dest 1 --resourceId "0x000000000000000000000000000000e389d61c11e5fe32ec1735b3cd38c69501" --recipient "0xd43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d"

Generic Data Transfer

To demonstrate a possible use of the generic data transfer, we have a hash registry on Ethereum. We also have a method on the example Substrate chain to emit a hash inside an event, which we can trigger from Ethereum.

Generic Data Substrate ⇒ Eth

For this example we will transfer a 32 byte hash to a registry on Ethereum.

Steps to transfer data to Ethereum:

  1. Select the Extrinsics tab in the PolkadotJS Portal
  2. Call example.transferHash with parameters such as these:
    • Hash: 0x699c776c7e6ce8e6d96d979b60e41135a13a2303ae1610c8d546f31f0c6dc730
    • Dest ID: 0

You can verify the transfer with this command:

Verify transfer of hash:

cb-sol-cli cent getHash --hash 0x699c776c7e6ce8e6d96d979b60e41135a13a2303ae1610c8d546f31f0c6dc730